Support SkooCal

Schuylkill County PA Events Calendar

SkooCal Sponsorships

Show your support for SkooCal and for your community by purchasing a sponsor ad.
Sponsor ads will display on the right side of the screen (above events on mobile devices). A link can be included, and ads have a duration of one year.

Show thousands of visitors that you support SkooCal and your community!
SkooCal ads are a great value! Contact us for sponsorship purchase details.

Sponsorship Level Price / Year Display Ad Mini Dispolay Ad Logo Ad Link Included Display on Mobile Devices
Platinum $1,200+
Gold $850-$1,199
Silver $600-$849
Bronze $250-$599
Community $120-$249 Name Listed

What is a Display Ad?
A display ad is a vertical ad for platinum sponsors the image ratio (Width to height) is 1: 3 It's 3 times as tall as it is wide.

What is a Mini Display Ad?
A display ad is a horizontal ad for gold sponsors the image ratio (Width to height) is 1.75:1. It is 1.75 times as wide as it is tall (similar to a business card).

What is a Logo Ad?
A logo ad is an image of your logo you should submit a 400px x 400px (cropped square) image for these type of ads.

Note: All images submitted for ads should be a minimum of 400px wide.

Why are there ranges?
Two reasons really:

  • It allows us to sort each category by amount donated (higher donations at top).
  • We want you to donate as much as you can ;-)
The more we receive in donations the better we can make the site and the more SEO and advertising work we can do. That gets us more visitors and more people see your Sponsorship!

Please Note: Silver and above levels display in the right column on desktop and tablet devices and above the free event listings on smaller screens (small tablets and phones). Bronze level displays just below the free listings on all devices.
Community level displays at the very bottom on desktop and tablet devices but do not display on mobile devices.

  • Click Here to See Ad Placements

    SIlver and Higher Sponsorship Levels

    Desktop Placement

    My Image

    Mobile Placement

    My Image

    Bronze & Community Sponsorship Levels

    Desktop Placement

    My Image

    Mobile Placement

    My Image

Calendar Linking & Feeds

You are welcome to link to SkooCal using one of our Website Badges. Select and download a badge here.

Get SkooCal Live on Your Site
Platinum Sponsors
can request a live SkooCal feed that can be shown on their website. There is a small monthly fee for a live feed. Contact us for details.

Schuylkill County Featured Events

  • Bring even more attention to your event
  • Featured listings appear above other listings and ads, and are larger
  • Don't let your event get lost in the shuffle, rise to the top with a featured listing
Show thousands of visitors Your event!
Featured Listings last for 30 days and are very reasonably priced. Contact us for details.
Featured listings are first come - first served and listed chronologically according to purchase date.

Featured Event Donation Levels:
We have a limited number of Featured Event slots reserve yours early they are first come/first served.
There are two Featured Event donation levels charged in advanced by the month:

  • $60+/Month (around $2 a day) Your event displays in the very top section where it can't be missed. It also much larger.
  • $30+/Month (only around $1 a day) Your featured event displays above the Free Event Listings. It is colored differently to stand out.

Tell Your Followers About SkooCal

Does Your County, Community or Orginazation Need an Events Calendar?

If your organization is interested in sponsoring a community events calendar like SkooCal, contact Cotts, Inc.
Cotts, Inc. developed as a public service for Schuylkill County. We can work with your organization to do the same for your county or community.
Cotts, Inc. contact page.