Schuylkill Calendar

Schuylkill County PA
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Upcoming Schuylkill County Events

SkooCal is a public service website designed to publicize upcoming Schuylkill County public events. To list your upcoming "Skook Event" for free, please see our How-To Page.

SkooCal is also a great tool for planing your event. Click the calendar view button and see upcoming Schuylkill events on a calendar and find the perfect date for your public event. If you are interested in having your event listed as a Featured Event, contact SkooCal.

Please help spread the word about SkooCal by using the share button above. The more Schuylkill County Organizations who list their upcoming events, the more useful SkooCal is for the public. The more traffic gets the better it is for publicizing Skook Events. Please tell your friends, tell County Organizations, tell everyone!